Hair care


Okay, so clearly today we are going in threes sooooo, I thought that it was a great idea to dedicate my time in this hair car section. To put you a bit in context, I have like curly hair, and if you do not treat it the right was, well it gets all frizzy and horrible, and looks as if I have not brushed it in about 3 weeks. 

Also, if it is not clear enough, hair care for me is not only with cream producs (which will be included), but also to avoid applying heat on your hair specially if you  haven't put any tipe of heat protector moments before.

The Shampoo Scalp Massager

Basic Info

This is just a warning, in this product I don't have a opinion, but I am looking foward to buy it by a really affortable price, although I know people that use it and they say is BOMB and acctually bettered there hair care routine. 

So back to the product, you might think that what is going on with this product, and what are those SPIKES?! Well, this is used while showering, and obviously while you are applying shampoo, it is used to exfoliate your scalp, and whlist your are making a great change, you can get to enjoy this wonderful feeling as if someone was massaging your head. Also a tip for the after, you need to brush your head while your at it because if not, well you might regret it afterward when your hair is dry. 

About the prices, they can range from 1 $ to 100 $ But if you want to get a cheaper and still good quality one, I'll recommend going through Shein, which are thousands of cheaper options.

Olaplex Number 6

Basic Info & Personal Opinion

I just have one question. Haven't you tried the Olaplex number seven repearing cream??? Ok if you haven't just hear me out. I know that is no one of the cheapest hair products out there but I just had to include my dear old friend olaplex, speccially number six. SO olaplex is one of the most viral brands of hair care out there so I had a quite big range of products to choose from. And this product acctually lets me style my hair without damaging it. Also, it softens my hair to a level that I could not even imagen it could be. So like earlier i told you guys that my hair wasn't exactly as smooth as a baby, it was more horrible, but don't get me wrong, my hair is wonderful but it need to be treated the right way, and with olap`lex is exactly what I mean.

The Heatless Curls

Basic Info

Some basic info about this product is basically that it created curls when you put it for a extended amount of time, it is really common to put it on overnight and in the next morning you get your perfect curls without applying any heat. Basically you kind of bracing your hair as is shown in the picture, and the tighter the better so you get better and much more long lasting curls. You can purchase this product in many stores. I personally recommend amazon, since it is a really trusting website, and you can guaranty that is you don’t like it you can actually return it.

Personal Opinion

I loveee this product, and if your not really fond of the prices and do not trust webs you can always DIY it, for example put some leggings in your head, then put on a big hair clip on the top of your head, and braid it, then, tie it with some scrunches of hair ties, and finally get of the hair clip, since it might be really uncomfortable to sleep with a hair clip on top of your head. So actually I used this product when I had to go to this really big event and had to be there at 7 am, so naturally I did not really have enough time to curl all my hair, so I did this method and absolutely works and basically i am I love with this, overall it is sooo practical, and that is why I mostly love it.
